This page isn't much, but it's my space on the web. A space where I can provide a service. A space where I can write a review to hopefully help you make judgement of watching or reading something you're going to enjoy. I may even review things that aren't necessarily media from time to time but will may be of a geeky topic or something I think you will be interested in. And this here site being my site, it's only fair you knew a bit about me. I chose to remain anonymous because I would prefer to create this alternate persona to add a little more fun to the mix for myself and I thought it suited the page. I chose the name Cynic Critique for this site not just because I think it sounds "cool". I chose this name due to cynic being a Greek philosophy with cynicism where the purpose of life is to live in virtue, in agreement with nature. What I'm trying to say is my reviews will be honest and that I cannot go against something without there being a reason. And critique because I will be evaluating the selected media which I hope needn't be explained. I've been into Films, TV, Video Games, Comics/Graphic Novels and Books pretty much my entire life. I enjoy stories in most formats and I wouldn't claim to be stuck to certain genres. The more obscure or disturbingly dark the subject matter, it then appeals more to my taste-buds. I look forward to this venture with you so please follow and share on social media where you can ask me an array of questions related to all things geek. Although my personal favourite you can do on social media is #Request a review from me. It is my favourite as I look forward to seeing what you #Request from me but also the challenge that I hope some will be.