Atomic Blonde is a fast paced action spy-thriller from David Leitch (John Wick) starring Charlize Theron (Mad Max: Fury Road) and James McAvoy (Split). Based on the graphic novel The Coldest City, Atomic Blonde is a spy-thriller during 1980's Berlin. Opening with an intriguing scene that has you instantly invested into the plot and then keeping a steady pace with some well placed action sequences. The story has some obvious twists and some not so obvious so it keeps you on your toes through out. So it may be a story we've seen before in other spy genre films and shows, but the style and action keep this feeling fresh.
The fights are clearly not over looked as we see every movement in the sequence. Leitch been an ex-stuntman is very attentive to details during these fight scenes. The choreography is flawless for the action, its just what you'd expect from a director of John Wick; brutal and very fluid. The flims aesthetic is stylised with uses of neons or a rather monochrome colour palette and is very representative of the moral ambiguity that runs through the course of the plot. As the film is set in the 80's, the choice of famous 80's pop songs are played throughout. The soundtrack, although great is a little overpowering to the films tone as it loses its sense of grit through the intensity in which the songs are played. Theron does brilliantly as our leading lady as she gracefully fights her way through her action scenes when not a stunt double (who does just as well). The supporting cast is huge and all very talented ranging from the like of John Goodman to Bill Skarsgård. McAvoy plays a believable devil may care type spy. Some could say this is style over substance and some would say it was mis-marketed as an action film when in there's a really enjoyable spy tale to be told. I think it's both style and substance. Some characters may be cliche but they still have surprises to offer. Atomic Blonde tells a familiar spy story with some unexpected choices while looking fantastic. Mr. Cynic rates this 8/10
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