Justice League is the fifth installment to the DCEU (DC Extended Universe) and is Director Zack Snyder's third film to the franchise, picking up not much after where Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice ended. Although the film carries the story over from Batman V Superman, it is not necessary to have watched all the films prior as it spends time establishing the characters (as there are two or three that need a little more back story) and the significant events that are relevant to the current plot. The character it really fails on giving any real insight to, is the films villain. Even though there is adequate time following the villain, the narrative doesn't give much motive or personality. The Dynamic between these heroes feels deeper than what we see and has a presence that feels natural to the story, the characters and even the actors. The characters are all rather well developed except for the previously mentioned villain but there are scenes with some rather forced clunky humour (A little obvious Joss Whedon worked the screenplay) from Batman. The other characters, the humour fits and is well placed and doesn't pull you out of the film. Our heroes are all portrayed well by the ensemble cast with Gal Gadot beating her last performance in her solo outing Wonder Woman. The best piece has to be J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon, it may be a small part that it's almost a cameo but he delivers a strong performance and has a distinctive chemistry with Affleck's Batman. The plot is very generic to the superhero genre we've been seeing of recent years but it does not remove any pleasure from watching the film. However it is obvious there are two or three scenes missing but nothing that stops the story flowing. Zack's directing is as you'd expect from this man, great angles and very empowering poses to transform these heroes into almost Gods. Unfortunately it is rather heavy on CGI for back grounds and the character Cyborg and it is possibly too much. Danny Elfman scores the film with his wonderful experience as he brings back his 1989 Batman theme as well as John Williams' Superman theme and worked them into his new original score for the film. The old sound worked well in contrast to the new and really elevated the sense of who these characters are. Justice League may lack some depth in its villain and plays itself safe with the plot but the level of fun from the heroes team dynamic and the beautifully shot fight scenes really do compensate it. The film should have been longer to just fill in a few obvious blanks between scenes and to build the villains story some more yet it wasn't hard to follow and it does not effect the plot. Mr. Cynic Rates this a 7/10 (Also, there is a fun mid credits scene and a more important end credits scene) A little bonus for all you that scrolled further. There is a song play near the beginning, it is called Everybody Knows originally performed by Wild Fire from what I believe was the debut album Revolt which was released earlier this year. And so I'm going to share there version of Everybody Knows which was not in the film and another song of theirs from the album which I feel is relevant to the film and definitely worth a try. Wild Fire - Everybody Knows Wild Fire - Villain
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March 2018